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Welcome to Custom Ordering page of Crime House production!

Production based in Moldova and Israel. Filming in EastEurope. 

We are the leader B-movies horrors exploitation cinema pay-to view web distribution! production! We make detective stories, giallo films, eurocrime films, road movies, horror-movies, B-movies and fetish movies in horror style!

We are 12 members of the crew who can shoot custom horror movie for private customers just to watch and for productions for distribution.




We started our own production and worked for private customers doing hand-made horror-

movies, giallo movies. We learned how to shoot in high quality for very little budgets – about 500 $ for 10 minutes film. We had about 500 customers who loved our job.



We founded production can do professional movies for European film market. Money we

got from customers' donations we invested to our little short movies. Adventure movies,

horror movies and 1980s style slashers were our favourite destination to do.


We god extra creative mood during pandemic and wrote our scripts for festival promotion and increased our quality. We built our filmmaking crew and shot films "Moscow 2037", '''My boring Summer'', ''Russian Legends'' and "Halloween Night".



We have reached a new level of filmmaking.

For private customers we suggest really well done horror movie for their pleasure.

We do development of characters, work ultra individually to make your great script as your favorite custom movie!

For investors and filmmakers we suggest you to shoot your great movie with us with little

investments and high selling result.

Low-budget genres like slashers, B-movies, horror-movies, road-movies, giallo-movies and etc can earn big money if you invest little money.

So, we suggest you outsourcing in fillmaking processes.

It's a great area for your fantasy!
Exclusive Best Quality Only With DarkRooms!
 Make your summer great with customs with us!


Exploitation Movie Production


1. You write your own script
2. You choose the actors
3. You choose the locations and props
4. You pay donation for movie realization
5. You watch you movie written and sponsored by you!
To see our ready works and purchase our movies written by another customers please
Visit our store:

Custom Movie – is a film shot for you according to your script for your private watching with Intertainment purposes.

If you have a fantasy and want to realize it in the screen and feel yourself as a movie writer and movie investor, you can send us our script for realization.For full price or just a donate we will shoot your film! You can also choose actors, take part in our castings, coordinate with directors and personal managers about shooting.
Our main destination – is horrors, giallo movies, CSI stories, detective stories, crima dramas, gore films, slashers, splatters, superheroes comics, films about zako.
Feel free if your idea includes R-rated murder scene, we follow traditions of retro movies.


Horror Movie Cover

A TV producer and group of his investors who’re fans of classic horrors and slasher movies start reality TV show «Hell House» with five girls. The rules are simple: girls must survive in the house against the actor who plays maniac. The winner gets million dollars. But girls don’t know that producer decided to increase raitings and do all murders real… All who try to stop producers from administration of show must die too… Producers created different traps and death for being the show more interesting: strangulation murders, bear trap, killing with a knife, gas attack and many others…


Movie awards

TOP-3 at the fetish-horror market!

From 2015 medium position in top horror producers is 3!

Clipart illustrating that we are among the top 3 best film production companies in our niche.

628 customs done! 9.8 total mark!

77,8 % of our production is custom clips! From 2018 year 95% of all content is customs! 

Horror Movie Awaeds

7 years with you!

Crime House producion shot the first clip in February 2015!

Clipart illustrating that we are among the top 3 best film production companies in our niche.

177 customers are regular!

3/4 of our customers come back for another one!

Masterson Statuette 2015 Crime House Nom

Laureates of many
horror communities nominations!

Golden Jill Masterson Award nominations for Best Camera, Best Customs and many others

Production backstage

30 beautiful models
12 experts in the crew!

Check our model gallery and write us and we will tell all about our models for your customs!


An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film


About this genre

Groups of carbon-copy female minions and henchwomen. In almost all instances, they dress in the same style of uniform and do not have individual names or backstories in the plot. They are most common in video games, anime and manga. Note: Because not all of them share the same fate in their respective stories, the "Fate" tag should be omitted for characters attributed to this tag. Conversely "Demise" tags should still be used if any happen to be killed.

An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film

Superheroes Comics

About this genre

cycle of contemporary Hollywood films adapted from comic books and featuring heroic characters with superhuman powers. Superheroes have been part of the hinterland of US cinema since the 1930s, with characters such as Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, and Superman appearing in comic books, newspaper comic strips, radio serials, and television programmes. However, the dedicated, large-budget, special-effects heavy, superhero film is a relatively recent phenomenon, usually traced back to the New Hollywood blockbuster Superman (Richard Donner, 1978) and its sequels

An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film


About this genre

The archetypal giallo plot involves a mysterious, black-gloved psychopathic killer who stalks and butchers a series of beautiful women. While most gialli involve a human killer, some also feature a supernatural element.

An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film


About this genre

A slasher film is a subgenre of horror films involving a serial killer murdering a group of people, usually by use of bladed tools. Although the term "slasher" may occasionally be used informally as a generic term for any horror film involving murder, film analysts cite an established set of characteristics which set slasher films apart from other horror subgenres, such as splatter films and psychological horror films.

An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film

Aqua Horrors

About this genre

Aqua horros – is the subgenre of exploitation movie about underwater perils, divers, monsters, sharks, drowning scenes end etc. The most famous underwater horrors: Jaws (1976), Mamula (2014) Sanctum (2010) and etc. This subgenre often stands near «Monsters» horror but we prefer to mark it in the separate category because underwater, drowning perils is another point of fear and fantasy, 

An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film

Fetish Horror Scenes

About this genre

Fetish Horrors scenes. Cinematic death scenes, violence, murder scenes spawned a fetishization of movie violence in popular culture. Cinema, as a means of sublimation and reflection of psychic substitutions in culture, portrayed violence as something eroticized, deliberately grotesque. The earliest version of the eroticization of the murder scene was the legendary shower scene from «Psycho» by Alfred Hitchcock. For decades, erotic overtones in movie murder scenes have been broadcast by horror masters in giallo films and slashers, and other genres of exploitative cinema. Beginning in the early 2000s, when Category A movies required movie ratings softening for higher box office grosses, giallo and slasher fans have organized their niche and the Internet and filming erotic fictional murders has become the prerogative of aspiring filmmakers and film enthusiasts with independent web-cinema distributors.

An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film


About this genre

Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and motivations. The 1940s and 1950s are generally regarded as the "classic period" of American film noir. Film noir of this era is associated with a low-keyblack-and-white visual style that has roots in German Expressionist cinematography. Many of the prototypical stories and much of the attitude of classic noir derive from the hardboiled school of crime fiction that emerged in the United States during the Great Depression.

An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film

Dangerous Girls 

About this genre

«Dangerous Girls» cinema is a genre in horror/thriller culture where the main character is a female  who destroys  (I Spit on Your Grave 1978, 2010; Kill Bill, 2003)her offenders or being a villain female fatale (American Mary, 2012). Female characters in exploitation horror culture was victim for a long time and the character «Girl Who Kills» became the challenge, added variety, reduced the sexist orientation of exploitative cinema, and introduced new cinematic archetypes. Dangerous Girls who kills in the cinema find their reflection in comics, spy thrillers, slashers. They combine feminism, female history of action and horror films, fetish image of a dominant woman (FemDom).

An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film


About this genre

The Gore and Disturbing film is a genre of horror film, easily recognized by its use of extreme violence and disturbing and viceral imagery, even for a horror film. In fact, in this genre recreating blood and gore with special effects are seen as an artform itself. The genre is known for tackling taboos revolving around sex and cannibalism, using gore to shock as most as possible. It is not unusual for a Gore and Disturbing film to lack a true plot or a moral, the gore is more essential. This genre can also be used as motive in different genres, like slashers or paranormal films.

An illustration describing the variety of genres in which we can make a professional horror film


About this genre

A splatter film is a subgenre of horror film that deliberately focuses on graphic portrayals of gore and graphic violence. These films, usually through the use of special effects, display a fascination with the vulnerability of the human body and the theatricality of its mutilation. The term "splatter cinema" was coined by George A. Romero to describe his film Dawn of the Dead, though Dawn of the Dead is generally considered by critics to have higher aspirations, such as social commentary, than to be simply exploitative for its own sake.



7 years of horror filmmaking experience


You can do individual castings for your project with us


We can shoot very gory slashers


We do cinematography scenes


Great quality


Huge base of beautiful talented actresses and great actors


We can create complicated characters


Our prop managers can char with you and search any



12 members of the crew!


We are experts in giallo movies, slasher movies,

B-movies and zako movies!


Archer Horror Movie Shoot

''Archer'' SeriaCustomer (Bob Crane)

Once again “Dark Rooms” has done a spectacular job bringing to life (or maybe death) the next chapter.  They are amazing how they can transform a story beyond your expectations.  The entire cast did a wonderful job with their parts.  The death scenes are a reason for coming back for more.   Kudos on another well done effort and great editing and effects!  Your hard work producing these really shows….


Dark Rooms movie screenshot

We work over the World

Order your own Custom Video or just ask a question!

© 2015-2024 Hornet, Crime House, Toxic Moon, DarkRoomsPR video productions. 

You can support us on Patreon.
You can watch our trailers on YouTube
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