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Have you got an idea for a custom movie?

It’s time to order it now!

1st of June – 15th of September we’re having exciting summer sets:

If you order your movies in advance before 1st of May we provide a 20% discount for the film!

It's a great area for your fantasy!
Exclusive Best Quality Only With DarkRooms!
 Make your summer great with customs with us!



We are producing a big movie about a maniac in the city who kills beautiful girls in different ways and a detective who investigates this case. In general, it's a crime detective story with elements of giallo  and slasher. We’re planning to make 12 murder scenes of the villain.

It’s a great opportunity to our SIMPLE CUSTOM followers with donations 450-1000$ for the movie scene. This offer is for customers who don’t need very detailed  scenes with much control and just want to enjoy our production inside little donations.  This project returns 12 places for simple custom orders.

Well, what’s conditions of the offer?

We have a maniac (male) who is stalking and killing his victims (girls and men). Due to your ideas can be different; we suggest only one key point of the maniac:

His name is Claw and he leaves in every crime scene after him a claw near with victims. It’s his signature.

All other elements depend on your fantasy, on the fantasy of everybody of you who joins this offer.

He can strangle, stab, cut throat, shoot, drown, beat, kill with a plastic bag – any way of murder.

He is very clever. He can have different fetishes: foot fetish, stocking fetish, blood fetish – we can make him very varieties.

He can pretend to be everyone - taxi driver, pizza delivery, good neighbor, he should be very clever to come more near to his victims.

In 2-3 scenes he can kill men also – just witnesses or police men.

In one of the episodes he can kill a police girl.

So after we will take all the scenes you wrote for us, we will take all of them like a puzzle in our own plot and will make a full time movie.

Customers of every episode will get all the projects of 12 murders for free with their projects.

Customers who want to be written in the credits can write to us about it and we will place their names/nics In the credit. Who wants to be confidential  - no problems.

FAQ about the offer

How long can my custom movies last?

This is one of 12 scenes of a 1,5-2 hours movie so every scene of the custom can take 5-12 minutes, sometimes 15 if the plot can take it.

Can I choose the actresses?

No, because we will schedule this project in the best way for us, we choose actresses ourselves, but you can recommend your favorite actresses and we will try to change somebody of your selection.

How long will the project take to be done?

All the movies will be shot during 4-6 months. It’s not so steamily custom. You donate it and not wait just after donation, it's an important part of agreement. We don’t want to make this big serious project toxic for us because of donors who are going to pressure us after a month of ordering.  We don’t edit the scene separately from the movie and have to wait for the full movie.

What if you don’t gather 12 customs?

Due to the fact that we have about 700 customers who were with us with simple custom packages we’re sure we’ll collect them and will do it fast. We’re waiting for all customers for three months. If we don’t get all 12 customs (I don’t believe it but just in case) we imagine the rest of the scenes with our own production and shoot the movie anyway.

How can I pay?

You can pay via PayPal or via crypto.

What should the script look like?

Free form. You can check out our simple customs examples at our website.

What’s the restrictions?

Your script should be rather simple. Blood is ok (but not ultra gory like in «Covid Massacre and so on – it’s individual offers already)», stabbing is ok, full nudity  is ok only for a couple of scenes (two customs is ok for nudity) but if it’s harmonic with the plot (shower scene, home alone scene). It's a soft R category project. Of course, no porn, no child, no very complicated scripts for 25 pages, and no hurry upping us during the working with the project. You can suggest something more complicated about gory and plot,  but it can cost more.

How can victims be dressed?

You can suggest the characters' clothes, it’s ok. But if your clothes choice is very very detailed it can cost more.

Dialogues are ok.

Can I add new characters?

Yes, you can add any victims, witnesses, detectives.

What  locations are available for the projects?

Apartment, Morgue, Cars, City Outdoors, Nature, Cottage.

Can a maniac be killed in the end?

Yes, he can be killed in the end by the most brave and strong victim. If this idea has already been ordered by somebody, we will mark it in this offer. If this question is still actual, it means the end is still open.

Who is a detective – a male or female?

Several people, depending on your customs.

Can I donate 2 scenes or more to be included in the project?

Yes, you can order many scenes.

Where will the movie be sold?

At gumroad, patreon,  maybe at other cinema web-stores.

Will I be updated about the process of the full film?

After the order, you will be added in our separately mail folder (CLAW DONATORS) and you will be updated about the status monthly. Of course we answer individual emails too.

© 2015-2024 Hornet, Crime House, Toxic Moon, DarkRoomsPR video productions. 

You can support us on Patreon.
You can watch our trailers on YouTube
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